Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

3 Months 3 Weeks

Maya has changed so much in the last couple of weeks. Along with growing, she's started being much more vocal. Mommy heard the words she's been longing to hear early yesterday morning! Maaaaa Maaaaa! Too bad it was in a dimly lit early morning fuss, and wasn't in a sweet cooing way, but we will take what we can get! Maya is also letting everyone know exactly what she wants and when she wants it with grunts, yelps, giggles, and yes... screams. She's finding her voice and temper at the same time. She loves her toys, and has figured out how to reach, grab, and stuff them into her mouth. When things don't cooperate, she gets furious, letting out loud yells. So much for Daddy wanting to be Mister Mom after he witnessed a fit!) She seems to be curious about everything, and also gets bored easily if you stop entertaining her. She loves her new standing play toy from Gramps, Omi, and Great Grandma Hayes, since she wants to be standing or rolling and that's it. (Our arms are all getting quite the work-out!) She loves being read to, tossed gently in the air, watching the dogs, going for walks in the stroller, going to farmers market, going to the park to look at the ducks, looking at her fish in the aquarium, the train at Daddy's work, and baths. The days of her hanging out calmly in the tub are now over. She wants to be touching the splashing water from the shower, or wiggling and rolling in the tub. We will be starting swimming lessons this summer, since Maya seems born to be a swimmer. She has, sadly, outgrown the sweet Moses Basket, and now takes naps in her crib. She's starting to get on a schedule, of at least a big nap in the morning, and if we're lucky, a couple short ones in the afternoon, with bedtime around 7:30. In a nutshell, our days exists only for little Maya, and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Four Generations of CRAZY!

Maya Three Months Old

Maya is three months old, and has had many firsts in the last week or two. Three nights ago, she finally rolled from back to belly, and this morning from belly to back. She's grabbing everything, and with both hands. She giggling up a storm, which makes us all act much sillier than usual, just to get an adorable little laugh. She took her first trip to the Illy River and loved all the little streams running into it. She's also realized the dogs, especially Illy, and loves to watch his tail. She's giving Mommy a couple extra hours of sleep at night, with her first stretch running 4-5 hours. She got her first round of vaccinations which she took like a champ and Mommy took it like a huge wimp. She weighs 11lbs 5oz, and is growing steadily, although she's only in the 30th percentile - petite little thing. She loves being read to every night before bed, and will sit though the entire of book of Corduroy and A Child's Goodnight Prayer. She met little baby Pablo, who is super cute. She lets us all know what she wants and we give it to as fast as possible, making her not only the most spoiled little person ever, but also the cutest!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Maya Enjoys the Springtime



Maya's new sunglasses, Omi bought her, and hanging in the garden.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mommy and Maya

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