Saturday, May 23, 2009

Four Months Three Weeks

The weather has finally warmed up and we've been too busy to blog. Maya has continued to grow much more vocal and much more mobile. I need to video one of her giggle/yelping sessions before she quits and something new develops. Right now, she is a drooling maniac, and keeps her fingers, or anything she can get her hands on in her mouth. She had her first picnic in the park with Daddy and Mommy, and went on the swing for the first time. Maya can now sit in her high chair, and in a couple weeks we're going to start her on solid food. She still isn't sleeping through the night, she wakes up around every three to three and half hours to eat, but does this for around 12 hours - then takes a couple of very short morning naps and a couple of even shorter afternoon naps (if we're lucky). Either way she's a bundle of fun...
We celebrated mother's day, just the three of us in Jacksonville at the Jacksonville Inn, then cruised around the Applegate Valley for the afternoon. When Mom came back from California, Walt, Monica, Jimmy, and I treated her for some sushi. We also got a fun photo session in, of Mom, Maya, and I. We signed Maya up for swim lessons which start in July with cousin Jessie, and on a weekend trip to Bend, Maya strutted her stuff in(and out of) her new bikini. She loves the water, and goes for a tiny dip now almost every day in the pool. Today we had a bar-b-q with the family for memorial day, and are going to work on the property the next two days. Next week we're off to Syracuse for a week, so I'm sure we'll have tons of photos and stories of the big trip... pray for good ears, and happy baby!