Thursday, November 4, 2010


Maya LOVED Halloween this year... We lucked out with a break in the showers, and got to go out two nights and do some trick-or-treating... The first night Daddy had to work, so Mommy and Omi went out with Maya. Maya dressed up as a Geisha, and was more than happy to repeatedly hold still for applications of hair spray and makeup.(even eyeliner)... We went to downtown Grants Pass, and collected some candy from all the stores... Maya doesn't know what candy is, but was thrilled to see more and more little objects in her goody bag. We then went to Daddy's work for Sushi, but had to leave early because after the first trip the the potty Maya had to go more, and went all over her costume, and Mommy forgot the backup outfit! The next day, after church, Maya dressed up as Cinderella,(a costume she's been wearing for the last month). We went to Ashland and met up with Shaya and Madeline for the parade. Ashland knows how to do Hallween and Maya was super interested in all the costumes, drumming, and stilt people. We ended the evening at Caldera Brew house for some beers and chatting.... Happy Halloween!

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